Already it's time to recap 2010, seems like we were just ringing it in! Here's a summary of my year:
1. The Olympics. Wow, what an experience it was, one that I will never forget. I blogged about it on the day of the closing ceremonies here. I still consider myself so fortunate to have been able to experience the Games.
2. Lifestyle changes. I continued with the weight loss efforts I started in 2009, reached my goal weight, and am wearing the smallest size clothes I've worn since I was a kid. I'm smaller than I was in high school. So happy, more energy, huge health impact. Glad I finally did it!
3. Performed in my first bellydance show at the end of May. I don't think I actually told anyone about it here. I'm continuing to take bellydance classes, they always make me smile.
4. Zumba! I started zumba classes in September, and am so happy to have finally found the perfect cardio activity for me, have never had so much fun while exercising. Looking forward to many more zumba classes in 2011.
5. Books. I used to read a lot, prior to the internet and prior to becoming consumed with fiber pursuits. At that point, the number of books I would read in any given year was sadly in the low single digits, yet I'd always missed my relationship with books. That all changed in 2010. I track the books I read over at Goodreads and according to my records there, this year I finished a total of 35 books, 13 of which were audiobooks. This was initially related to the lifestyle changes and becoming more active. During the summer I would go for long walks while enjoying an audiobook, something which became very relaxing for me. I also discovered e-books on my iPad, and haven't looked back since, I love reading on my iPad, and look forward to reading even more books in 2011 (quite likely since the majority of books finished were in the latter half of the year).
I thought I'd share my favorite reads of 2010:
Hands down, my favorite audiobook this year (heck, it's the best audiobook I've listened to period) was The Help. If you enjoy audiobooks, you must go listen to this book! Great story, and awesome readers too.
Many of the non audio books that I read this year were somewhat fluffy, however others were more meaningful. Just a few weeks ago I read The Book of Negroes. This was a great book, a fictional story based on real life events. I learned a lot from this book and highly recommend it.
6. Fiber Fun. I guess it's no big surprise that with all of the activities I'm now involved in, fiber pursuits suffered in 2010. I didn't weave at all this year, and I knit, spun, and crocheted much less than other years. I rarely touched fiber during the work week, but did spend some quality time with it each weekend. I quick check of my Ravelry projects indicates that I've completed 6 pairs of socks, 4 baby sweaters, 2 baby booty/hat sets, 1 toddler dress, 3 sweaters, 4 shawls, 3 scarves, 2 shrugs, 1 vest, 1 baby blanket and 2 dishcloths. I guess that's not too shabby all things considered. Current works in progress are vanilla socks and 2 sweaters (1 hibernating til spring).
I wish each of you a happy and healthy 2011. See you then!
what a wonderful year you've had!
i wish you all the best in 2011!!
Posted by: melissa | Saturday, January 01, 2011 at 10:37 AM
Happy New Year, Brenda! You had a good 2010 and certainly your health was/is front and centre.
I also listened to "The Help", which I thoroughly enjoyed and hope she writes a sequel. "The Book of Negroes" has been on my to-read list. The Times Colonist had it as a free download over the holidays, but it was for an I-pad - I have a simple MP3 player.
Take care, Peg
Posted by: Peg | Saturday, January 01, 2011 at 11:56 AM
Hi Brenda! Happy New Year!
LOVED The Help also - is still my favourite audiobook to date!
Posted by: Lisa | Saturday, January 01, 2011 at 08:01 PM
The opening ceremonies were my highlight. Funny how I changed my mind after tickets became available at the very last minute. We still talk about how worth it it was.
Posted by: li_b | Sunday, April 10, 2011 at 10:27 PM