Today's Photo 365 is a little different, I did indeed use my handy Olympus Camera, however I used the video funtion instead. The gals over at Knitting Sandwich challenged their readers to post what late November is like where you live. Today, my last day of my vacation, it is super stormy out. I decided that the errands I needed to do could wait for another day. After all, it is much preferable to stay inside and knit when the weather looks and sounds like this. I didn't even leave the house to take the videos, just opened each door to our house.
(be sure to turn up your sound to best experience my weather)
Our lovely fish pond/patio area isn't quite as lovely in November as it is in the summer:
man brenda - that wind is crazy!
what beautiful front and back yards you have, even drenched in rain!
i think you should get extra credit points for posting a video!!
Posted by: melissa | Monday, November 23, 2009 at 04:07 PM
Great videos of our spectacularly cruddy Monday November stormy day!
Posted by: kate | Monday, November 23, 2009 at 04:07 PM
thanks for giving us a peek into your november! that wind is incredible! well on the upside it seems like the absolute perfect weather for guilt-free knitting! (and melissa's right- you so get extra credit for posting a video!)
Posted by: CMV | Monday, November 23, 2009 at 05:30 PM
Oh, I can't see the videos. :-(
Posted by: Ceci | Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 07:15 AM