Not sure where the weekend went, but it sure was quick! I spent very little time playing with fiber this weekend. I don't think I picked up the spindle or the needles until Sunday night. I spent FAR too much time playing with Facebook, and those of you who know my last name can find me there. My niece told me it was cool, so thought I'd check it out. I didn't think I would have a great need for Facebook given that I'm on Ravelry, but it's pretty neat, and after all, not ALL my friends and family knit or crochet! I also made a couple cards for two friends with July birthdays.
I'm still spending a bit of time looking around Etsy, but am slowing down a little. Last week, I received this in the mail:
Yummy roving from Yummy Yarn. This seller is located fairly close by, and this actually arrived in my mailbox the day after I ordered it. I was shocked to see it there so quickly!
And another addition to my fiber stash, from the Farmer's Market yesterday:
Joe spent a good portion of the weekend on yard clean up, and it looks pretty good now. It was long overdo and he feels great to have it done. We even have the beginning of a fish pond now, to replace our last failed attempt at a garden (the Farmer's Market is for people like us!). My contribution was some pretty hanging baskets I bought yesterday:
We're finally having some hot summer weather so I better remember to water or they'll be toast quickly.
Hope you have a great summer week wherever you are!
That roving looks way yummy indeed.
Posted by: Vera | Monday, July 09, 2007 at 10:06 AM
Wow!! That is some fast shipping. Your flowers look great. Mine are not as well watered and are getting a little beat up in the hot weather.
Waiting patiently for the next shipment of Kauni!!!!
Posted by: Lisa | Monday, July 09, 2007 at 10:09 AM
So much technological social networking, so little time :)
Posted by: Felicia | Monday, July 09, 2007 at 03:55 PM